Friday, January 7, 2011

Makeup Tips For Black Women

Are you happy with your makeup look? Do you even wear any at all? Makeup is fun and flattering when you know how to make it work for you. The key is to enhance the best and play down the rest.

Makeup Basics
Learn the basics for a beautiful face like choosing makeup and color selection.

Whether its foundation, eye shadow, lip or cheek color, there's a brush for every kind of makeup.

Foundation Makeup
A great foundation feels like second skin and never looks like a mask. Learn how to choose and apply your foundation so no one can tell it's there.

Concealer Makeup
Everybody's got something to hide (and I'm not talking about closet skeletons).

Powder Makeup
Learn how to apply powder so it's light, natural looking and keeps you shine free all day.

Makeup Application Tips on Color Selection for Black Skin

It's pretty simple to figure out the general family of colors you should lean towards when selecting your make up.
Your skin tone will generally fall under one of two categories. Here’s how you can know for sure which it is.

  • Take a long hard look at your skin and figure out whether you have red (warm) undertones or yellow (cool) undertones.
  • Ask yourself which color metal compliments your skin tone more; gold or silver? If it's gold then your skin tone is warm and if it's silver your skin tone is cool.
  • If you're one of the few people who don't predominantly have one of these two undertones and have a cross between the two you have to strike a balance of both types of makeup color groups.

Always Have Fun With Your Colors!

Once you get your concealer, foundation and powder on point, feel free to live it up and get really creative with your eye and lip colors.
Your cheek color and bronzer will generally be one or two that suit your skin and will go with everything else you choose.

  • Even when you get the colors right you can still go overboard if you try to put on too much at once.
  • The rule is to choose one feature at a time to glam up. If you want to get bold with your eyes, keep the lips neutral and if you're going with a strong lip color keep the eyes light and fresh.

Keep these makeup application tips in mind and you'll always choose the right colors to put you best face forward.

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